Entries in iPhoneart (22)


Mira Mobile Prize 2019 

All alone in the crowd?

I'm very happy to share that “All alone in the crowd?” has been selected as one of the 150 pieces that will be projected in the gallery in the MIRA Mobile Prize 2019 exhibition.

Venue:    MIRA FORUM, Miraflor Street 155,  Porto, Portugal

Dates:    15 June 2019 - 27 July 2019

Opening: 15 June 2019 at 4 pm


The Beauty Myth Exhibition

La bellezza é quella Energia che ognuno di noi possiede e che aspetta solo il modo di venir fuori per generare nuova Energia. E questo É Vita. - Giulia Baita, founder of the MAG Mobilart Group.

"Yet beauty has an essential intrinsic value.  Beauty, in the most general sense of the term, is beauty of soul, it is to see everything with a childish eye and be amazed at things.  The beauty myth generates curiosity and the desire to look at the world with new eyes.  Beauty is that Energy that each of us possesses and that awaits only a pathway to manifest and generate new Energy.  And this is Life." - Giulia Baita. 

"I photograph energy, not people." - from The Fabric Thread

"Radiate" has been selected to be part of the The Beauty Myth exhibition which will take place in Milan, Italy at the Copernico Gallery.  I am one of 25 mobile artists whose work will make up the exhibition and am happy to invite you to attend. 


Exhibition:  15 May - 28 May 2019

Opening day:  15 May 2019 from 11h00 to 18h00

Workshop Mobile Art:   15 May 2019 from 13h30 - 14h30.

Venue: via Copernico 38, 20125 Milano, Italia. 

Admission is free but for the opening day registration is requested.


5th Biennial of Fine Art and Documentary Photography


I am very excited to share that two of my "Stories Waiting to Unfold" series, "Change" and "Where2?", will be be exhibited at the 5th Biennial of Fine Art and Documentary Photography, which will take place in Barcelona, Spain in October 2018.

The vernissage will take place on October 4 at 7pm.

Event: 5th Biennial of Fine Art and Documentary Photography

Where: Space Nau Bostik, Carrer Ferran Turné 11, Barcelona, Spain

When: Oct 4 - Oct 21 2018

Times: 10am - 8pm

If you happen to be in Barcelona and manage to attend the event, please send me some photos. 


MIRA Mobile Prize 2018


Flashing by!

I'm very happy to share that from more than 5000 entries, "Flashing by!" has been selected as one of the 50 chosen pieces that will be exhibited in the MIRA Mobile Prize 2018 exhibition. 150 other highly rated works will be projected in the gallery. 

Venue: MIRA FORUM, Miraflor Street 155,  Porto, Portugal

Dates: 16 June 2018 - 28 July 2018

Opening: 16 June 2018 at 3 pm


Women Seen By Women

My series "Stories Waiting to Unfold" received an honorable mention in the Women Seen By Women awards.

Organized by The Photography Gala Awards, this was a special award celebratiang the 10th Edition of the Julia Margaret Cameron Award for Women Photographers and was juried by Analy Werbin, Senior Curator of the Biennial of Fine Art and Documentary Photography. 

My series was selected from among 720 entries from 42 countries and it means so much to me that the artworks I am creating entirely on my iPhone have received this recognition.

Two of my "Stories Waiting to Unfold" series, "Change" and "Where2?" will now be exhibited in Barcelona.

Date: 10 - 28 April, 2018

Venue: Galeria Valid Foto (Valid Foto Hall)

Address: Carrer Buenaventur Muñoz 6, Barcelona.

The opening reception will be on Thursday, April 12 at 7pm. 

The exhibition is a Pre-Biennial event of the 5th Biennial of Fine Art & Documentary Photography to be held in Barcelona in October 2018.